Hop Head Farms is committed to making our website’s content accessible and user friendly to everyone. If you are having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any content, feature, or functionality that you believe is not fully accessible to people with disabilities, please call our Customer Service team at (269) 241-9354 or email our team at sales@hopheadfarms.com with “Disabled Access” in the subject line and provide a description of the specific feature you feel is not fully accessible or a suggestion for improvement. We take your feedback seriously and will consider it as we evaluate ways to accommodate all of our customers and our overall accessibility policies. Additionally, while we do not control such vendors, we strongly encourage vendors of third-party digital content to provide content that is accessible and user friendly.
Hop Head Farms delivers the finest hops, hand-selected from the world’s great hop-growing regions. From our very own fields in Southwest Michigan, to direct-from-the farm relationships with select growers in Europe, and the best farms throughout the Pacific Northwest and around the globe.
We bring together unmatched farming, sensory and industry expertise to help you obtain world-class hops, with consistent true-to-type flavor and aroma characteristics, so you can always brew your best.
Hop Head Farms LLC
4630 W. Hickory Road
Hickory Corners, MI 49060
Phone: 269-280-0522
Fax: 269-671-4460
Sales & Customer Service Email
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